Hello! I'm Remke!
Hi! How nice of you to stop by this page. Maybe you’ve already seen my work on Instagram. I’m Remke. You could say I’m addicted to letters, which is why my brand name is Letter Junkie. I love the alphabet, and I find nearly all its letters equally beautiful. I enjoy looking at letters, studying them, drawing and writing them, and I love teaching others to write beautifully in a simple way. You don’t need a perfect natural handwriting for this. Nothing beats a handwritten card or message.
Young Girl
From a very young age, I preferred playing with letters. As a little creative child, I would draw letters on my test papers and decorate my agenda with beautifully written quotes. I wrote all the Christmas cards at home and always found ‘writing beautifully’ fascinating. Fortunately, even in my adult life, letters continue to play a significant role. A postcard for a friend’s birthday is handmade and handwritten. Boring brown wrapping paper is transformed into beautiful gift wrap with lovely texts. There isn’t a day that goes by without some form of lettering.

As a teenager, I already dreamed of having my own business. I had my parents, real entrepreneurs, as great role models. Yet, after my studies (I also pursued a degree in visual merchandising), I chose the safe route of looking for a job. I started in fashion and quickly transitioned into the advertising industry. When I came into contact with graphic designers there, I immediately thought, “This is what I want to do.” I ended up at a fantastic company with an even more fantastic boss, Chap. He taught me all the ins and outs of the business.
Being Your Own Boss
After working for about ten years as a graphic designer for someone else, I finally started my own business. I simply quit my job (by that time, I was working for another company) and got started. It was terrifying. Would I get clients? Would I be successful? Thankfully, my business (see www.remke.nu) became a success, and I’ve been working as a freelance designer with great pleasure for the past seven years. In the meantime, my passion for lettering grew, and about five years ago, I started taking courses in “lettering.” It made me incredibly happy! I still remember a colleague saying to me, “I don’t know, Rem, isn’t that old-fashioned?” Fortunately, it didn’t deter me from practicing more and more and realizing that I was getting better at what I did. And now, years later, it made perfect sense to turn this into my work.

Lettering is a Craft
Now, I help clients stand out by using handwritten texts creatively. With graceful letters, bold, tall, short, wide, or with shadows. This can be in a logo or tagline, through (live) lettering at an event or wedding, or think of handwritten name cards and invitations. I still come across people who don’t realize that handwriting is truly more beautiful than using a computer font. Or people who think, “I can do that myself, right?” Unfortunately (or fortunately for me), lettering is not as easy as it seems. Lettering is a craft!
I’m not just addicted to (writing) letters but also to the fantastic sport of Crossfit. I’m at the gym about 4 to 5 times a week. If someone had told me six years ago that I’d voluntarily exercise this much, I’d have thought they were crazy. But I think it’s the coolest sport out there. For those who don’t know… Crossfit is a form of fitness, actually a combination of gymnastics, athletics, rowing, and weightlifting (my favorite part).

Sense of Humor
I believe in clear and friendly communication with a sense of humor, and I know that by paying genuine attention to clients, beautiful things emerge. I’m almost always in a good mood, which makes every collaboration a pleasant experience. Curious? Great, because I am too! Feel free to get in touch!